*** CONFIDENTIAL PORTION has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment by the Company to, and the material has been separately filed with, the SEC. Each omitted Confidential Portion is marked by three Asterisks. NINTH AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR ALASKA ACCESS SERVICES This NINTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR ALASKA ACCESS SERVICES ("Ninth Amendment") is effective as of the 23rd day of January, 2005 ("Effective Date"), by and between GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. and its wholly owned subsidiary, GCI COMMUNICATION CORP., both Alaska corporations (together, "GCI") with offices located at 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2781 and MCI WORLDCOM NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ("MWNS"), formerly known as MCI Telecommunications Corporation, with offices located at 1133 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (GCI with MWNS, collectively, the "Parties," and individually, a "Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS, GCI and MWNS entered into that certain Contract for Alaska Access Services dated January 1, 1993 ("Original Agreement"), as amended by (i) the First Amendment to Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of March 1, 1996, (ii) the Second Amendment to the Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of January 1, 1998, (iii) the Third Amendment to Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of March 1, 1998, (iv) the Fourth Amendment to Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of January 1, 1999, (v) the Fifth Amendment to Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of August 7, 2000, (vi) the Sixth Amendment to Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of February 14, 2001, (vii) the Seventh Amendment to Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of March 8, 2001 and (vii) the Eighth Amendment to the Contract for Alaska Access Services dated as of July 1, 2003 (collectively, "Agreement") which set forth the general terms and conditions under which GCI provides certain telecommunications services to MWNS; and, WHEREAS, the President signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 (the "Act") on December 8, 2004 (the "Date of Enactment"), an excerpt of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and, WHEREAS, the Act requires that on January 23, 2005 (forty-five (45) days after the Date of Enactment) all wholesale Alaska interstate switched services be sold in accordance with the terms of AT&T Contract Tariff 11, effective as of the Date of Enactment; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the Act, those provisions of the Act addressing the Alaska wholesale switched traffic rate structure shall terminate on December 31, 2009 (the "Sunset Date"). CONFIDENTIAL 1 FINAL *** CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions of Terms. All capitalized terms used in the Ninth Amendment but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. Additionally, any reference to MWNS in this Ninth Amendment shall be a reference to MCI in the Original Agreement, as amended, and visa versa. 2. Rates and Charges A. Exhibit 2 (AT&T Alascom Tariff 11 effective on the Date of Enactment is hereby incorporated by reference to the Agreement and the *** therein, along with applicable *** provisions therein, shall be used to determine *** GCI *** MWNS for *** Alaska *** Services under this Agreement. B. As of the Effective Date, Paragraph 2.B.(1) of the Agreement is hereby deleted and the following inserted in its place: 2.B.(1) MWNS Northbound Traffic. MWNS Northbound Traffic shall be *** specified in Exhibit 2 (AT&T Alascom Tariff 11). In accordance with the Act, GCI shall *** under this Agreement three percent (3%) annually on January 1st of each year through to the Sunset Date. After the Sunset Date, GCI shall maintain *** MWNS Northbound Traffic *** Sunset Date. The Parties agree to jointly and in good faith *** of other carriers *** following the Sunset Date. If it is determined at that time that the *** Agreement for Northbound Traffic ***, the Parties agree to negotiate *** Northbound traffic *** MWNS ***. C. As of the Effective Date, Paragraph 2.B.(2) of the Agreement is hereby deleted and the following inserted in its place: 2.B.(2) MWNS Southbound Traffic. MWNS Southbound Traffic shall be *** specified in Exhibit 2 (AT&T Alascom Tariff 11). In accordance with the Act, GCI shall *** under this Agreement three percent (3%) annually on January 1st of each year through to the Sunset Date. After the Sunset Date, GCI shall maintain *** MWNS Southbound Traffic *** Sunset Date. The Parties agree to jointly and in good faith *** of other carriers *** following the Sunset Date. If it is determined at that time that the *** Agreement for Southbound Traffic are ***, the Parties agree to negotiate *** Southbound CONFIDENTIAL 2 FINAL *** CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT traffic *** MWNS ***. MWNS hereby assumes responsibility of reporting and compensating ***, carried by GCI, as a subset of MWNS Southbound Traffic. GCI and MWNS shall cooperate with each other, and agree to make records available (subject to reasonable confidentiality guarantees, where appropriate) to verify proper and timely reporting, payment and billing for *** and to help manage questions or disputes raised by *** or their agents. The Parties acknowledge that FCC requirements and industry practices for *** during the term of the Agreement. In the event *** in the applicable FCC rules or common industry practice concerning *** and upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other Party, either Party may reopen negotiations concerning this provision of the Agreement. D. Section 2.B.9 of the Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and the following inserted in its place: 2.B.(9) MWNS *** and *** Services. MWNS *** and *** Services shall be *** GCI FCC Tariff #1 and *** shall reflect the requested terrestrial or satellite ***. Each month GCI shall calculate the total *** MWNS *** and *** Service *** for all *** requirements of *** and below and *** will be calculated and applied as follows: *** MWNS Northbound Traffic *** and shall be identified on such *** as ***; and *** MWNS Southbound Traffic *** and shall be identified on such *** as ***. Further, during ***, GCI shall calculate the total *** MWNS *** and *** Service *** for all *** requirements of *** or *** services and *** will be calculated and applied as follows: *** MWNS Northbound Traffic *** and shall be identified on such *** as ***; and *** MWNS Southbound Traffic *** and shall be identified on such *** as ***. During *** and each ***, the *** shall be subject to *** based on *** northbound and southbound *** MWNS transports on GCI's network *** (the "Total Annual MWNS ***"), as follows: CONFIDENTIAL 3 FINAL *** CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT Should the Total Annual MWNS *** equal or exceed ***, then GCI shall provide MWNS with a ***; and Should the Total Annual MWNS *** not exceed ***, then GCI shall provide MWNS ***. In the event that any of the above *** cannot be fully used ***, the remaining amount of such *** as directed by MWNS or refunded to MWNS upon request. E. A new Section 2.B.(10) of the Agreement shall be added as follows: Section 2.B.(10) Reporting Percent Interstate Usage. MWNS shall provide GCI *** a Percent Interstate Usage ("PIU") factor applicable to *** for MWNS Originating and Terminating Alaska traffic. GCI shall be responsible *** the Alaska *** the PIU provided by MWNS. F. A new Section 2.B.(11) of the Agreement shall be added as follows: Section 2.B.(11) Contract Review. Both Parties agree to meet and review the Agreement on or about *** thereafter to determine if MWNS *** as a direct result of the changes agreed to in the Ninth Amendment ("Contract Reviews"). For the purpose of the Contract Reviews, *** shall determined *** Northbound and Southbound *** this Ninth Amendment *** under the application *** the Agreement ***, during the relevant period of the ***. If at the time of the initial or and subsequent Contract Reviews, it is determined by both Parties that MWNS ***, GCI shall ***, as estimated in good faith by the Parties, of the ***. The *** as determined by the Contract Reviews shall remain fixed and in effect through the earlier of the effective date of *** as agreed upon by the Parties pursuant to a subsequent Contract Review, or the Termination Date of the Agreement. Further, GCI *** MWNS *** in combined Northbound and Southbound billing for *** through the date that the *** becomes effective. Except as expressly set forth in the immediately proceeding sentence, the terms of this Contract Review's provision shall apply solely to *** and shall have no applicability to *** under this Agreement. G. A new Section 2.B.(12) of the Agreement shall be added as follows: Section 2.B.(12) ***. GCI shall have sole responsibility to pay *** including, without limitation, ***. GCI shall charge MWNS *** MWNS *** in accordance with the rates provided under the *** (see ***, as summarized in CONFIDENTIAL 4 FINAL *** CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT Exhibit 3 hereto). *** for Anchorage do not include ***. The rates are subject to change according to ***, specifically, *** ACS of Alaska, GCI, and NECA. GCI will provide MWNS the current *** by NPA-NXX with all MWNS Northbound and Southbound Traffic invoices. GCI shall provide MWNS written notice of changes to any ***. GCI shall provide MWNS an update of Exhibit 3 *** throughout the term of the Agreement. H. The text of the Tariff 11 rates is attached hereto as Exhibit 4, and is incorporated, solely with respect to the *** and applicable rating and measurement provisions therein, by reference herein. 3. Term. Paragraph 3 of the Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and the following inserted in its place: 3. TERM. Except for MWNS ***, services provided pursuant to Section 2.A shall be for an initial term beginning on the first (1st) day following the Effective Date of the Ninth Amendment and terminating on December 8, 2009. The term shall be automatically extended for five (5), one (1) year periods, unless either Party elects to cancel the renewal periods by giving written notice of non-renewal at least one (1) year prior to the commencement of the next renewal term. The service for MWNS *** shall be for a term of seven (7) years upon the first access service request ("ASR") ***. 4. Amendment ***. Upon execution of this Ninth Amendment, MWNS *** GCI (the ***). GCI shall *** the MWNS *** for GCI services ***. 5. Effect of Amendment. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not expressly modified by this Ninth Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties hereby affirm and agree such terms remain binding. 6. Further Assurances. The Parties shall cooperate in good faith, and enter into such other instruments and take such other actions, as may be necessary or desirable, to fully implement the intent of this Ninth Amendment. 7. Counterparts; Signatures. This Ninth Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and both of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. When signed by each Party's authorized representative, a copy or facsimile of this Ninth Amendment shall have the same force and effect as one bearing an original signature. This Ninth Amendment, together with the Agreement, is the complete agreement of the Parties and supersedes all other prior contracts and representations concerning its subject matter. Any further amendments must be in writing and signed by both Parties. CONFIDENTIAL 5 FINAL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto each acting with proper authority have executed this Ninth Amendment as of the Effective Date. MCI WORLDCOM NETWORK SERVICES, INC. By: /s/ Printed Name: Peter H. Reynolds Title: Director, National Carrier Contracts & Initiatives GCI COMMUNICATION CORP. By: /s/ Printed Name: Richard Westlund Title: VP/GM Long Distance & Wholesale CONFIDENTIAL 6 FINAL Exhibit 1 Alaska Market Structure Legislation An excerpt from the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY05 H. R. 4818--537 SEC. 112. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law or any contract: (1) the rates in effect on November 15, 2004, under the tariff (the "tariff") required by FCC 94-116 (reduced three percent annually starting January 1, 2006) shall apply beginning 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act through December 31, 2009, to the sale and purchase of interstate switched wholesale service elements offered by any provider originating or terminating anywhere in the area (the "market") described in section 4.7 of the tariff (collectively the "covered services"); (2) beginning April 1, 2005, through December 31, 2009, no provider of covered services may provide, and no purchaser of such services may obtain, covered services in the same contract with services other than those that originate or terminate in the market, if the covered services in the contract represent more than 5 percent of such contract's total value; and (3) revenues collected hereunder (less costs) for calendar years 2005 through 2009 shall be used to support and expand the network in the market. (b) Effective on the date of enactment of this Act: (1) the conditions described in FCC 95-334 and the related conditions imposed in FCC 94-116, FCC 95-427, and FCC 96-485; and (2) all pending proceedings relating to the tariff, shall terminate. Thereafter, the State regulatory commission with jurisdiction over the market shall treat all interexchange carriers serving the market the same with respect to the provision of intrastate services, with the goal of reducing regulation, and shall not require such carriers to file reports based on the Uniform System of Accounts. (c) Any provider may file to enforce this section (including damages and injunctive relief) before the FCC (whose final order may be appealed under 47 U.S.C. 402(a)) or under 47 U.S.C. 207 if the FCC fails to issue a final order within 90 days of a filing. Nothing herein shall affect rate integration, carrier-of-last-resort obligations of any carrier or its successor, or the purchase of covered services by any rural telephone company (as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153(37)), or an affiliate under its control, for its provision of retail interstate interexchange services originating in the market. Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 2 Tariff 11 Rates and Definitions 1. Rate Elements: Rate Element Charge Per Minute ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- CONUS/Alaska Transport $0.0276 Non-Bush Switching $0.0104 Bush Switching $0.0226 Intra-Alaska Non-Bush Transport $0.0459 Intra-Alaska Bush Transport $0.1622 LEC Interstate Access Variable Toll Free Query Charges Variable 2. Non-Bush Locations: Adak Fairbanks Ninilchik Anchorage Fort Richardson North Pole Big Lake Fort Wainwright Palmer Bird Creek Girdwood Seldovia Chugiak Homer Seward Cordova Hope Sitka Deadhorse Juneau Soldotna Douglas Kenai Unalaska Eagle River Ketchikan Valdez Eielson AFB Kodiak Wasilla Elmendorf AFB N. Kenai Willow 3. Definitions: CONUS/Anchorage Transport: The rate element charged to transport a Minute of Use (MOU) from the Portland Point of Interconnection (POI) to the Anchorage Switch. An interexchange carrier (IXC) may purchase dedicated transport from their lower 48 location to Anchorage. If a carrier purchase dedicated transport, then a dedicated charge would apply in lieu of the CONUS/Alaska transport rate element. Non-Bush Switching: The rate element charged to switch a MOU when an interstate switched voice call originates or terminates to an Alaska location listed above in "Non-Bush Locations" . Bush Switching: The rate element charged to switch a MOU when an interstate switched voice call originates or terminates to an Alaska location NOT listed above in "Non-Bush Locations". Page 1 of 2 Intra-Alaska Non-Bush Transport: The rate element charged to transport a MOU when an interstate switched voice call originates or terminates to an Alaska location listed above in "Non-Bush Locations". Intra-Alaska Bush Transport: The rate element charged to transport a MOU when an interstate switched voice call originates or terminates to an Alaska location NOT listed above in "Non-Bush Locations". LEC Interstate Access: The rate element charged to originate or terminate an interstate switched voice call to a Local Exchange Carriers (LEC) end office switch. This element is not specifically defined in Alascom FCC Tariff No. 11. This element varies depending on LEC tariff and must be added to determine the complete per minute rate for Alaska interstate switched voice service. Toll Free Query Charges: The rate element charged to perform the necessary SS7 look-up to determine the carrier of toll free calls originating from Alaska LEC end offices. This is a per call charge assessed at a pass though from the LEC tariff. Page 2 of 2 Exhibit 3 LEC Interstate Access Rates
NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 556 3023 7 QUINHAGAK QNHGAKXA556 0.021198 907 750 6677 1 NORTH POLE FRBNAKXC0MD 0.013708 907 209 6677 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKBDCM0 0.011534 907 221 3023 7 BIRCHCREEK BRCKAKXADS1 0.021198 907 222 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNRSG 0.008077 907 223 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 224 3011 8 SEWARD SWRDAKXADS0 0.023131 907 225 3013 3 KETCHIKAN KTCHAKXBDS1 0.013467 907 226 3030 1 HOMER HOMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 227 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 228 3013 3 KETCHIKAN KTCHAKXBDS1 0.013467 907 228 3013 3 KETCHIKAN KTCHAKXBDS1 0.013467 907 229 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 230 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 231 6521 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK500MD 0.008077 907 232 6677 1 WASILLA WSLLAKMCCM1 0.009601 907 233 3030 4 EGEGIK EGEKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 234 3030 x 1 SELDOVIA SLDVAKXARS1 0.014038 907 235 3030 1 HOMER HOMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 236 3018 3 EKUK EKUKAKXA236 0.013467 907 237 3023 7 NEWTOK NWTKAKXA237 0.021198 907 238 3023 7 ALAKANUK AKUKAKXA238 0.021198 907 239 3030 4 ELFIN COVE EFCVAKXADS1 0.015400 907 240 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 241 3030 4 KARLUK KRLKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 242 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 243 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWDS1 0.008077 907 244 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 245 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWDS1 0.008077 907 246 3003 5 KINGSALMON KGSLAKXACG1 0.017333 907 247 3013 3 KETCHIKAN KTCHAKXBDS1 0.013467 907 248 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWDS1 0.008077 907 249 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWDS1 0.008077 907 250 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 251 3027 0 P.S. 7 PSSVAKZAH01 0.000000 907 252 6677 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKMCCM1 0.009601 907 253 6292 8 CORDOVA ANCRAKZA04T 0.023131 907 254 6304 3 KETCHIKAN KTCHAKZA2MD 0.013467 907 255 6292 6 VALDEZ VLDZAKGMCM1 0.019265 907 256 3023 7 TUNTUTULIK TTTLAKXA256 0.021198 907 257 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 258 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 259 6292 6 GLENNALLEN ANCRAKZA04T 0.019265 907 260 3030 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKXADS2 0.009601 907 261 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 262 3030 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKXADS2 0.009601 907 263 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 264 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 265 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 266 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWDS1 0.008077
Page 1 of 11 Exhibit 3 LEC Interstate Access Rates
NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 267 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 268 6521 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK500MD 0.008077 907 269 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 270 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 271 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 272 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 273 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 274 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 275 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 276 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 277 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 278 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 279 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 280 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 281 3030 4 ENGLISHBAY EHBAAKXA281 0.015400 907 282 3030 4 KAKHONAK KHNKAKXA282 0.015400 907 283 3030 1 KENAI KENAAKXADS1 0.009601 907 284 3030 4 PORTGRAHAM PTGMAKXADS1 0.015400 907 285 3017 8 HYDABURG HYBGAKXADS1 0.023131 907 286 3030 4 OLD HARBOR OLHBAKXADS1 0.015400 907 287 3003 5 LEVELOCK LVLKAKXA287 0.017333 907 288 3011 x 8 MOOSE PASS MSPSAKXARS0 0.029053 907 289 3018 3 MANOKOTAK MNKTAKXA289 0.013467 907 291 3006 6 MENTASTA MNTSAKXADS1 0.019265 907 292 6292 8 WHITTIER ANCRAKZA04T 0.023131 907 293 3023 7 NIKOLAI NKLAAKXA293 0.021198 907 294 3030 4 NONDALTON NDLTAKXADS1 0.015400 907 295 3023 7 LIVENGOOD LVGDAKXADS1 0.021198 907 296 3030 4 HALIBUT CV HTCVAKXADS1 0.015400 907 297 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 298 3023 7 TAKOTNA TKTNAKXA298 0.021198 907 299 6677 1 HOMER HOMRAKMCH01 0.009601 907 301 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 317 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 320 6677 6 GLENNALLEN GLALAKACH01 0.019265 907 321 6304 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKTUCM1 0.011534 907 322 6304 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKZACM1 0.009601 907 323 3017 8 DRYCREEK DRCKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 324 3017 8 TETLIN TLINAKXBDS1 0.023131 907 325 3006 6 TATITLEK TTLKAKXA325 0.019265 907 329 3030 4 COFFMAN CV CFCVAKXADS1 0.015400 907 330 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 331 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 332 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 333 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 334 7785 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKGCDS0 0.008077 907 335 3030 1 KENAI KENAAKXADS1 0.009601 907 336 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 337 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 338 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077
Page 2 of 11 Exhibit 3 LEC Interstate Access Rates
NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 339 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXERSG 0.008077 907 341 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 342 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWDS1 0.008077 907 343 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 344 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 345 3000 x 1 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXRRS1 0.011096 907 346 3000 x 1 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXORS1 0.011096 907 347 6677 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKHSCM1 0.009601 907 348 3000 x 1 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXRRS1 0.011096 907 349 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 350 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 351 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 352 3015 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXADS1 0.009601 907 353 3027 0 FTWAINWRIT FTWRAKXGDS1 0.000000 907 354 6733 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXACM1 0.009601 907 355 6733 1 WASILLA WSLLAKMKCM1 0.009601 907 356 3022 1 FTWAINWRIT FTWRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 357 3015 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXADS1 0.009601 907 358 3023 7 RAMPART RMPRAKXADS1 0.021198 907 359 411A 8 UNALASKA DUHRAK01CM0 0.023131 907 360 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 362 6304 8 SEWARD SWRDAKZA0MD 0.023131 907 363 3019 8 DEERING DRNGAKXADS1 0.023131 907 364 3022 x 2 DOUGLAS DGLSAKXARS1 0.013496 907 365 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 366 3025 8 TANANA TANNAKXADS1 0.023131 907 367 6354 8 BARROW CEL BRRWAKXACM1 0.023131 907 368 3001 8 POINT HOPE PNHPAKXADS1 0.023131 907 369 3028 8 CHENA HOT CHHSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 370 3027 0 PORT BAILY PTBLAKZA370 0.000000 907 371 3027 0 ALITAK ALITAKZA371 0.000000 907 372 3022 1 EIELSONAFB ELSNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 373 3015 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXADS1 0.009601 907 374 7785 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAK07DS0 0.009601 907 375 7785 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKBZ01T 0.008077 907 376 3015 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXADS1 0.009601 907 377 3027 0 EIELSONAFB ELSNAKXGDS1 0.000000 907 378 6677 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKHSCM1 0.009601 907 379 3027 0 KAZAKOFBAY KZBYAKZB379 0.000000 907 380 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 382 6677 1 GIRDWOOD ANCRAKMWCM4 0.015853 907 383 3011 8 SAND POINT SNPNAKXA383 0.023131 907 384 3027 0 FT RICH FTRCAKXG384 0.000000 907 388 6677 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKHSCM1 0.009601 907 389 3028 8 CLEARYSMMT CYSTAKXADS1 0.023131 907 391 6747 8 UNALASKA UNLSAKBBCM1 0.023131 907 392 3027 0 EARECKSON SHMYAKXGDS1 0.000000 907 393 3027 0 EARECKSON SHMYAKZB393 0.000000 907 394 6304 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKXA0MD 0.009601 907 398 6304 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKXA0MD 0.009601
Page 3 of 11 Exhibit 3 LEC Interstate Access Rates
NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 399 6304 1 HOMER HOMRAKXA0MD 0.009601 907 424 3007 8 CORDOVA CRDVAKXACG1 0.023131 907 425 6747 4 ST GEORGE STGRAKAACM1 0.015400 907 426 3019 8 RED DOG MN RDDGAKXADS1 0.023131 907 427 3023 7 TOKSOOKBAY TKBYAKXA427 0.021198 907 428 3000 x 1 FTRICHADSN FTRCAKXARS1 0.021887 907 429 6882 8 CORDOVA CRCVAKXACM1 0.023131 907 430 6733 1 WASILLA WSLLAKMKCM1 0.009601 907 432 3004 8 CROOKEDCRK CKCKAKXA432 0.023131 907 437 3019 8 SHUNGNAK SHGKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 438 3023 7 ST MARYS STMYAKXA438 0.021198 907 439 6747 5 KINGSALMON KGSLAKBBCM1 0.017333 907 440 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 441 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 442 3019 8 KOTZEBUE KTZBAKXADS1 0.023131 907 443 3016 8 NOME NOMEAKXADS0 0.023131 907 444 6872 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKBZ01T 0.008077 907 445 3019 8 AMBLER AMBLAKXADS1 0.023131 907 446 3027 0 GALENA AFS GALNAKXG446 0.000000 907 447 3004 8 RED DEVIL RDDVAKXA447 0.023131 907 448 6354 8 DEADHORSE DHRSAKXACM1 0.023131 907 449 3004 8 SLEETMUTE SLMTAKXA449 0.023131 907 450 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 451 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 452 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 453 3004 8 GRAYLING GRYLAKXA453 0.023131 907 454 3011 8 PORT LIONS PTLNAKXA454 0.023131 907 455 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 456 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 457 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 458 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 459 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 460 6304 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKZACM1 0.009601 907 463 3022 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXADS1 0.011534 907 464 3003 5 EKWOK EKWKAKXA464 0.017333 907 465 3022 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXADS1 0.011534 907 466 4358 8 NOME NOMEAK01CM0 0.023131 907 467 3023 7 CHAUTHBALK CHBKAKXA467 0.021198 907 468 3025 8 RUBY RUBYAKXADS1 0.023131 907 471 3004 8 KALSKAG KLKGAKXA471 0.023131 907 472 3025 8 WHITTIER WHTRAKXADS0 0.023131 907 473 3004 8 SHAGELUK SHLKAKXA473 0.023131 907 474 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 475 3019 8 KIANA KIANAKXADS1 0.023131 907 476 3004 8 HOLY CROSS HLCRAKXA476 0.023131 907 477 3023 7 KASIGLUK KSGKAKXA477 0.021198 907 478 3023 7 STEVENSVLG STVGAKXADS1 0.021198 907 479 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 480 3001 8 NUIQSUT NUSTAKXADS1 0.023131 907 481 3030 1 KODIAK KODKAKXCDS1 0.009601
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 482 3027 0 SUMMITLAKE SULKAKZAH01 0.000000 907 484 3019 8 SELAWIK SLWKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 485 3019 8 NOATAK NOTKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 486 3030 1 KODIAK KODKAKXCDS1 0.009601 907 487 3030 x 1 KODIAKUSCG KODKAKAGRS1 0.011233 907 488 3030 x 1 NORTH POLE NRPLAKXADS1 0.013708 907 489 3030 4 PT PROTECT PTPRAKXADS1 0.015400 907 490 3030 x 1 NORTH POLE NRPLAKXADS1 0.013708 907 491 6677 8 SEWARD SWRDAKMCH01 0.023131 907 493 3023 7 TOGIAK TGAKAKXA493 0.021198 907 494 3019 8 BUCKLAND BCLDAKXADS1 0.023131 907 495 3015 1 WILLOW WLLWAKXADS1 0.009601 907 496 6926 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAK01DS0 0.009601 907 497 3011 8 KING COVE KGCVAKXA497 0.023131 907 498 3023 7 SHELDON PT SLPNAKXA498 0.021198 907 520 3023 7 CENTRAL CNTLAKXADS1 0.021198 907 522 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 523 7785 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKGCDS0 0.011534 907 524 1449 7 MCGRATH MGRTAKXADS0 0.021198 907 525 3023 7 TWIN HILLS TWHLAKXA525 0.021198 907 526 3023 7 LIME VLG LMVGAKXA526 0.021198 907 527 3023 7 NUNAPTCHUK NNPCAKXA527 0.021198 907 528 6747 1 KODIAK KODKAKBBCM1 0.009601 907 529 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 530 3017 8 HOLLIS HLLSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 532 3011 8 COLD BAY CLBAAKXA532 0.023131 907 533 3003 5 IGIUGIG IGUGAKXA533 0.017333 907 534 3030 4 KALTAG KLTGAKXA534 0.015400 907 535 3027 0 GRNCRKMINE GCMNAKZAH01 0.000000 907 536 3023 7 EEK EEK AKXA536 0.021198 907 537 3004 8 STONYRIVER STRVAKXA537 0.023131 907 538 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXEDS1 0.008077 907 541 3002 8 JIMRIVCAMP JRCPAKXADS1 0.023131 907 542 3030 4 KASAAN KASNAKXADS1 0.015400 907 543 1449 7 BETHEL BETHAKXADS0 0.021198 907 544 6531 7 BETHEL BETHAKAFCM1 0.021198 907 546 3030 4 ST PAUL STPLAKXADS1 0.015400 907 547 3026 8 EAGLE EAGLAKXADS1 0.023131 907 548 3030 4 FALSE PASS FLPSAKXADS1 0.015400 907 549 3023 7 PILOT STA PLSTAKXA549 0.021198 907 550 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 551 3027 0 ELMEDRFAFB ELMNAKXG552 0.000000 907 552 3027 0 ELMEDRFAFB ELMNAKXG552 0.000000 907 553 3023 7 ATMAUTLUAK AMLKAKXA553 0.021198 907 554 3006 6 MCCARTHY MCCRAKXADS1 0.019265 907 557 3023 7 KONGIGANAK KNGGAKXA557 0.021198 907 558 3023 7 SCAMMONBAY SMBAAKXA558 0.021198 907 559 3030 4 POINTBAKER PNBKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 561 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 562 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 563 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 564 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 565 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 566 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 567 3030 x 1 NINILCHIK NCHKAKXARS0 0.017668 907 568 3030 4 PTALEXANDR PTALAKXADS1 0.015400 907 569 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 570 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 571 3011 8 ILIAMNA ILMNAKXA571 0.023131 907 573 3023 7 CHENEGABAY CHBYAKXB573 0.021198 907 575 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 576 3030 4 NIKOLSKI NKLIAKXADS1 0.015400 907 580 3027 0 ELMEDRFAFB ELMNAKXG552 0.000000 907 581 3011 8 UNALASKA UNLSAKXA581 0.023131 907 582 3015 1 CLEAR AFS CLERAKXADS1 0.016881 907 583 3015 x 1 TYONEK TYNKAKXARS0 0.020473 907 584 3023 7 RUSSINMSSN RUMNAKXACG1 0.021198 907 585 3027 0 CLEAR AFS CLERAKXGDS1 0.000000 907 586 3022 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXADS1 0.011534 907 587 3023 7 ARCTIC VLG ARVGAKXADS1 0.021198 907 588 3023 7 KWIGILLNGK KWGKAKXA588 0.021198 907 589 3023 7 NAPAKIAK NPKKAKXA589 0.021198 907 590 6304 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKZACM1 0.009601 907 591 3023 7 MOUNTANVLG MTVGAKXA591 0.021198 907 592 3027 0 ADKUSNVLST ADAKAKXG592 0.000000 907 594 3017 8 EDNA BAY EDBYAKXADS1 0.023131 907 595 3011 8 COOPER LDG CPLDAKXA595 0.023131 907 596 3003 5 KOLIGANEK KLGKAKXA596 0.017333 907 597 3027 0 VALDEZCRK VLCKAKZA597 0.000000 907 598 6304 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKXA0MD 0.009601 907 599 6677 8 COOPER LDG CPLDAKXACM1 0.023131 907 617 6677 3 KETCHIKAN JUNEAKBDCM0 0.013467 907 617 6677 3 KETCHIKAN JUNEAKBDCM0 0.013467 907 621 3027 0 P.S. 2 PSTWAKZAH01 0.000000 907 622 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 624 1449 7 UNALAKLEET UNLKAKXADS0 0.021198 907 628 3023 7 BEAVER BEVRAKXADS1 0.021198 907 629 3017 8 NAUKATI NUKIAKXADS1 0.023131 907 630 3027 0 ROWAN BAY RWBAAKZAH01 0.000000 907 632 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 633 3001 8 ATKASUK ATKSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 635 6009 2 JUNEAU LNPNAKZACM2 0.011534 907 636 3019 8 NOORVIK NRVKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 638 3016 8 WHITE MT WTMTAKXADS1 0.023131 907 640 3001 8 KAKTOVIK KKTVAKXADS1 0.023131 907 641 3027 0 P.S. 10 PSTNAKZAH01 0.000000 907 642 3016 8 TELLER TLLRAKXA642 0.023131 907 644 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSRSG 0.008077 907 645 3019 8 KIVALINA KVLNAKXA645 0.023131 907 646 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNRSG 0.008077
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 647 3023 7 NIGHTMUTE NGMTAKXA647 0.021198 907 649 3016 8 SHISHMAREF SHMFAKXADS1 0.023131 907 652 3023 7 TUNUNAK TNNKAKXA652 0.021198 907 653 3000 x 1 BIRD CREEK INDNAKXARS1 0.014203 907 654 1797 1 KODIAK KODKAKXCCM0 0.009601 907 655 3027 0 YUKON CAMP YVCPAKZAH01 0.000000 907 656 3011 8 GALENA GALNAKXA656 0.023131 907 659 3001 8 DEADHORSE DHRSAKXA659 0.023131 907 661 3001 8 ANATVKPASS AKPSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 662 3011 8 FORT YUKON FTYKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 663 3004 8 ANVIK ANVKAKXA663 0.023131 907 664 3016 8 WALES WALSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 665 3016 8 COUNCIL CNCLAKXADS1 0.023131 907 669 3030 4 IVANOFFBAY IVBAAKXADS1 0.015400 907 670 3001 8 DEADHORSE DHRSAKXA659 0.023131 907 671 3027 0 P.S. 3 PSTHAKZAH01 0.000000 907 672 3023 7 MANLYHTSPG MHSPAKXADS1 0.021198 907 673 3030 4 HOBART BAY HBBAAKXADS1 0.015400 907 674 3023 7 MINCHUMINA MNCHAKXDDS1 0.021198 907 675 3004 8 ANIAK ANIKAKXA675 0.023131 907 676 6856 7 CHAUTHBALK CHBKAKXACM1 0.021198 907 677 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXWRSG 0.008077 907 678 3028 8 COLDFOOT CLFCAKZADS0 0.023131 907 679 3023 7 MARSHALL MRSHAKXACG1 0.021198 907 680 3030 4 OUZINKIE OUZNAKXADS1 0.015400 907 681 3027 0 P.S. 4 PSFRAKZAH01 0.000000 907 683 3015 1 HEALY HELYAKXADS1 0.009601 907 686 3016 8 LTLDIOMEDE LTDMAKXADS1 0.023131 907 688 3015 x 1 CHUGIAK CHGKAKXARS1 0.012388 907 689 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA01T 0.009601 907 691 3027 0 P.S. 5 PSFVAKZAH01 0.000000 907 692 3002 8 BETTLES BTLSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 693 3003 5 NEWSTUYHOK NWSKAKXA693 0.017333 907 694 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 695 3023 7 TULUKSAK TLSKAKXA695 0.021198 907 696 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 697 3030 4 GUSTAVUS GSTVAKXADS1 0.015400 907 698 3030 4 AKUTAN AKTNAKXADS1 0.015400 907 699 6304 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKZACM1 0.009601 907 712 3008 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKXADS1 0.009601 907 713 3022 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXADS1 0.011534 907 714 3030 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKXADS2 0.009601 907 715 6304 1 WASILLA ANCRAKXCCM4 0.009601 907 720 6009 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK02CM0 0.008077 907 721 3027 0 KNGSLMNAFS KGSLAKXG721 0.000000 907 722 3027 0 INDINMTAFS INMTAKZB722 0.000000 907 723 6677 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKBDCM0 0.011534 907 724 3027 0 TINCITYAFS TNCYAKZA724 0.000000 907 725 3027 0 CPLSBRNAFS CPLSAKZB725 0.000000 907 727 6009 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK02CM0 0.008077
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 728 3027 0 TATALINAFS TTLNAKZB728 0.000000 907 729 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 730 6733 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXACM1 0.009601 907 731 3027 0 SPAREHNAFS SPRVAKZB731 0.000000 907 733 3015 1 TALKEETNA TLKTAKXA733 0.009601 907 734 3017 8 CHISANA CHSNAKXADS1 0.023131 907 735 3030 4 PELICAN PLCNAKXADS1 0.015400 907 736 3030 4 TENAKEESPG TKSPAKXADS1 0.015400 907 737 3023 7 NAPASKIAK NPSKAKXA737 0.021198 907 738 6677 4 SITKA SITKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 742 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 743 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCRSG 0.008077 907 744 6009 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK02CM0 0.008077 907 745 3015 1 PALMER PLMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 746 3015 1 PALMER PLMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 747 3030 4 SITKA SITKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 748 6304 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCCM2 0.008077 907 749 3030 4 CHIGNIK CGNKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 751 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 752 6304 4 SITKA SITKAKAC0MD 0.015400 907 753 3000 x 1 ELMEDRFAFB ELMNAKXARS1 0.018240 907 754 3000 x 1 GIRDWOOD GRWDAKXARS1 0.015853 907 755 3030 4 KLAWOCK KLWKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 756 6677 8 WHITTIER ANCRAKMWCM4 0.023131 907 757 3023 7 KWETHLUK KWLKAKXACG1 0.021198 907 758 3023 7 HOOPER BAY HPBYAKXA758 0.021198 907 761 3015 1 PALMER PLMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 762 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077 907 763 3001 8 WAINWRIGHT WNRTAKXADS1 0.023131 907 764 6009 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK02CM0 0.008077 907 765 3023 7 AKIAK AKIKAKXA765 0.021198 907 766 3017 8 HAINES HANSAKXADS0 0.023131 907 767 3017 8 KLUKWAN KLWAAKXADS0 0.023131 907 768 3015 1 CANTWELL PLMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 770 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCRSG 0.008077 907 772 3017 8 PETERSBURG PTBRAKXADS0 0.023131 907 773 3005 8 CIRCLE CRCLAKXADS1 0.023131 907 774 3030 4 BORDERCITY BRCYAKXADS1 0.015400 907 775 6009 1 PALMER ANCRAK02CM0 0.009601 907 776 3030 x 1 NORTHKENAI NKENAKXARS1 0.013213 907 777 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 778 3030 4 NORTHWAY NRWYAKXADS1 0.015400 907 779 3016 8 GOLOVIN GLVNAKXADS1 0.023131 907 780 3022 x 2 LEMONCREEK JUNEAKXBRS1 0.021887 907 781 3030 4 PTALSWORTH PTAHAKXADS1 0.015400 907 782 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSDS1 0.008077 907 783 3000 x 1 GIRDWOOD GRWDAKXARS1 0.015853 907 784 3030 4 YAKUTAT YKUTAKXADS1 0.015400 907 785 3030 4 KAKE KAKEAKXADS1 0.015400 907 786 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 787 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 788 3030 4 ANGOON ANGNAKXADS1 0.015400 907 789 3022 x 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXSRS1 0.014651 907 790 3022 x 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXSRS1 0.014651 907 791 3027 0 OLIKTOK OLKTAKXG791 0.000000 907 792 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 793 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 794 3027 0 CPNEWENAFS CPNWAKZB794 0.000000 907 795 3027 0 CPRMANZAFS CPRMAKZB795 0.000000 907 796 3022 x 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKXSRS1 0.014651 907 797 3030 4 PILOTPOINT PLPTAKXADS1 0.015400 907 798 3023 7 MINTO MINTAKXADS1 0.021198 907 822 3006 6 GLENNALLEN GLALAKXA822 0.019265 907 823 3006 6 CHITINA CHTNAKXADS1 0.019265 907 824 3027 0 SAG RIVER SRCPAKZAH01 0.000000 907 825 3023 7 AKIACHAK AKCKAKXA825 0.021198 907 826 3017 8 CRAIG CRAGAKXADS1 0.023131 907 827 3023 7 MEKORYUK MKYKAKXA827 0.021198 907 828 3030 4 THORNE BAY THBYAKXADS1 0.015400 907 829 3030 4 HUSLIA HUSLAKXACG1 0.015400 907 830 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 831 6677 6 VALDEZ VLDZAKXACM1 0.019265 907 832 3030 1 NENANA NENAAKXADS1 0.009601 907 833 3001 8 POINT LAY PNLYAKXADS1 0.023131 907 834 3006 6 VALDEZ VLDZAKXA835 0.019265 907 835 3006 6 VALDEZ VLDZAKXA835 0.019265 907 836 3030 4 AKHIOK AKHKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 837 3030 4 MESHIK MSHKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 838 3027 0 CHANDALAR CHCPAKZAH01 0.000000 907 839 3030 4 ATKA ATKAAKXADS1 0.015400 907 840 3030 4 CHIGNILGON CGLGAKXADS1 0.015400 907 841 6677 1 WASILLA WSLLAKMCCM1 0.009601 907 842 3018 3 DILLINGHAM DLHMAKXADS0 0.013467 907 845 3030 4 CHIGNIK LK CGLKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 846 3017 8 WHALE PASS WPSSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 847 3030 4 LARSEN BAY LRBAAKXADS1 0.015400 907 848 3023 7 CHALKYITSK CHKYAKXADS1 0.021198 907 849 3023 7 VENETIE VENTAKXA849 0.021198 907 850 3030 4 PEDRO BAY PDBAAKXA850 0.015400 907 852 3001 8 BARROW BRRWAKXADS1 0.023131 907 853 3030 4 PERRYVILLE PYVLAKXADS1 0.015400 907 855 3027 0 ADAK T.C. ADAKAKZA855 0.000000 907 858 3023 7 CHEVAK CHVKAKXA858 0.021198 907 859 3030 4 ST GEORGE STGRAKXADS1 0.015400 907 860 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 861 3015 1 PALMER PLMRAKXADS1 0.009601 907 862 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 863 6733 1 WASILLA WSLLAKXACM1 0.009601 907 864 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 866 3027 0 EXCUSNINLT EXINAKZAH01 0.000000
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 867 3023 7 CHEFORNAK CHFNAKXA867 0.021198 907 868 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXSRSG 0.008077 907 869 3030 x 1 FORTGREELY FTGRAKXARS1 0.012058 907 870 3015 1 EAGLERIVER EGRVAKXA69X 0.009601 907 871 3027 0 BLK RAPIDS BLKRAKZAH01 0.000000 907 873 3027 0 FORTGREELY FTGRAKXGDS1 0.000000 907 874 3017 8 WRANGELL WRGLAKXADS0 0.023131 907 876 3017 8 HEALY LAKE HYLKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 878 6304 8 BARROW FRBNAKZACM1 0.023131 907 879 3027 0 CAPE POLE CPPLAKXVH01 0.000000 907 882 3017 8 DOT LAKE DTLKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 883 3017 8 TOK TOK AKXADS1 0.023131 907 884 6009 ANCHORAGE ANCRAK02CM0 0.008077 907 885 3027 0 LENA POINT LNPNAKZA02T 0.000000 907 886 3017 8 METLAKATLA MTKTAKXADS0 0.023131 907 887 3027 0 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKZA1PB 0.000000 907 888 3027 0 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKZA1PB 0.000000 907 889 3030 4 HUGHES HGHSAKXADS1 0.015400 907 890 3016 8 ELIM ELIMAKXADS1 0.023131 907 892 3015 x 1 BIG LAKE BGLKAKXARS1 0.015523 907 895 3030 1 DELTA JCT DLJTAKXADS1 0.009601 907 896 3023 7 KIPNUK KPNKAKXA896 0.021198 907 898 3030 4 NULATO NULTAKXADS1 0.015400 907 899 3023 7 KOTLIK KTLKAKXA899 0.021198 907 921 3027 0 P.S. 6 PSSXAKZAH01 0.000000 907 923 3016 8 ST MICHAEL STMCAKXADS1 0.023131 907 927 3030 4 KOYUKUK KYKKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 929 7785 x ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXERSG 0.008077 907 932 3027 0 KANTISHNA ANCRAKZA04T 0.000000 907 934 3016 8 STEBBINS STBSAKXADS1 0.023131 907 936 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXNDS1 0.008077 907 943 6304 8 DEADHORSE FRBNAKZACM1 0.023131 907 945 3030 4 HOONAH HONHAKXADS1 0.015400 907 946 3017 8 MYERSCHUCK MYCHAKXADS1 0.023131 907 948 3019 8 KOBUK KOBKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 949 3023 7 EMMONAK EMNKAKXA949 0.021198 907 952 6677 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKMWCM1 0.008077 907 953 6677 1 SOLDOTNA SLDTAKMCCM1 0.009601 907 955 3016 8 SHAKTOOLIK SHKTAKXADS1 0.023131 907 957 6677 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKBDCM0 0.011534 907 963 3016 8 KOYUK KYUKAKXADS1 0.023131 907 966 3030 4 SITKA SITKAKXADS1 0.015400 907 967 3023 7 GOODNEWSBY GNBAAKXA967 0.021198 907 968 3002 8 ALLAKAKET ALKTAKXA968 0.023131 907 978 6677 1 FAIRBANKS FRBNAKHSCM1 0.009601 907 979 3023 7 PLATINUM PLTMAKXA979 0.021198 907 983 3017 8 SKAGWAY SKWYAKXADS2 0.023131 907 984 3023 7 SAVOONGA SVNGAKXADS1 0.021198 907 985 3023 7 GAMBELL GMBLAKXADS1 0.021198 907 987 3027 0 PTMOLLER PTMRAKXA987 0.000000
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NPA NXX OCN Remote Rate Band LOC NAME SWITCH LEC ACCESS RATE 907 988 6304 2 JUNEAU JUNEAKTUCM1 0.011534 907 989 3030 4 NELSONLGON NLLGAKXADS1 0.015400 907 992 3000 ANCHORAGE ANCRAKXCDS1 0.008077
Page 11 of 11 Exhibit 4 ALASCOM, INC. SUPPLEMENT NO. 12 Manager, Tariffs Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: January 7, 2004 Effective: January 8, 2004 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This Supplement suspends the effective date of Transmittal No. 1281 for one day, from January 1, 2004 to January 2, 2004 under authority of DA 03-4091 of the Federal Communications Commission. This Supplement is filed in response to the Federal Communication Commission's Order Adopted December 23, 2003, Released December 23, 2003, in CC Docket No. 95-182. ALASCOM, INC. SUPPLEMENT NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: November 5, 2003 Effective: November 6, 2003 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This Supplement suspends the effective date of Transmittal No. 1278 for one day, from October 31, 2003 to November 1, 2003 under authority of DA 03-3454 of the Federal Communications Commission. This Supplement is filed in response to the Federal Communication Commission's Order Adopted October 30, 2003, Released October 30, 2003, in CC Docket No. 95-182. ALASCOM, INC. SUPPLEMENT NO.10 Manager, Tariffs Cancels Supplement No. 9 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 Issued: August 10, 2001 Effective: August 11, 2001 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES D D This supplement cancels previous Supplement NO. 9 which was inadvertently filed in error under transmittal number 1253, filed on July 30, 2001. N This supplement re instates Alascom Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No.11 as it existed on July 30, 2001. N ALASCOM, INC. SUPPLEMENT NO.9 Manager, Taroffs Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: July 30, 2001 Effective: July 31, 2001 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This supplement, filed pursuant to the Commission's Detariffing Order, CC Docket 96-61, 11 FCC Red 20730 (1996) and FCC Report and Order in IB Docket No. 00-202, released March 20, 2001 (the "March 20, 2001") and Rules 61.19 and 61.20 of the FCC's Rules, cancels this tariff in its entirety, effective July 31, 2001. Information regarding rates and regulations for interstate and international services are contained in the AT&T Alascom Business Communications Services Agreement and related Service Guides. This information can be found on the web at. http://www.att.com/serviceguide/business. If you need further assistance, please call your customer care center or sales representative. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Supplement No. 8 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Supplement No. 7 Issued: December 30, 1998 Effective: December 31, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This Supplement suspends the effective date of Transmittal No. 993 for one day, from January 1, 1999 to January 2, 1999 under authority of DA 98-2620 of the Federal Communications Commission. This Supplement is filed in response to the Federal Communication Commission's Order Adopted December 23, 1998, Released December 23, 1998, in CC Docket No. 95-182. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Supplement No. 7 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Supplement No. 6 Issued: March 9, 1998 Effective: March 10, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This Supplement suspends the effective date of Transmittal Nos. 941 and 942 for one day, from March 4, 1998 to March 5, 1998 under authority of DA 98-429 of the Federal Communications Commission. This Supplement is filed in response to the Federal Communication Commission's Order Adopted March 3, 1998, Released March 3, 1998 in CC Docket No. 95-182. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Supplement No. 6 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Supplement No. 5 Issued: March 18, 1997 Effective: March 19, 1997 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This Supplement suspends the effective date of Transmittal No. 852 for one day, from March 15, 1997 to March 16, 1997 under authority of DA 97-554 of the Federal Communications Commission. This Supplement is filed in response to the Federal Communication Commission's Order Adopted March 14, 1997, Released March 14, 1997 in CC Docket No. 95-182. ALASCOM, INC. SUPPLEMENT NO. 5 Manager, Tariffs Cancels Supplement No. 4 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 Issued: February 13, 1997 Effective: February 14, 1997 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This supplement, filed at the direction of the Common Carrier Bureau by letter dated February 12, 1997, further defers the effective date of material relative to Alascom's Common Carrier Services Tariff which was originally filed under Transmittal No. 852 from February 13, 1997 to March 15, 1997, under authority of Special Permission No. 97-0053. Alascom, Inc. SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 Manager, Tariffs 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 Issued: January 8, 1997 Effective: January 9, 1997 Common Carrier Services. This supplement, filed at the direction of the Common Carrier Bureau by letter dated December 27, 1996, defers the effective date of material relative to Alascom's Common Carrier Tariff which was originally filed under Transmittal No. 852 from January 1, 1997 to February 13, 1997, under authority of Special Permission No. 96-0846. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Supplement No. 3 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: March 28, 1996 Effective: March 29, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This Supplement suspends the effective date of Transmittal No. 807 for one day, from March 24, 1996 to March 25, 1996 under authority of DA 96-404 of the Federal Communications Commission. This Supplement is filed in response to the Federal Communication Commission's Order Adopted March 22, 1996, Released March 22, 1996 in CC Docket No. 95-182. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 2 Manager, Tariffs 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 Issued: March 15, 1996 Effective: March 17, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES This supplement, filed at the direction of the Common Carrier Bureau by letter dated March 15, 1996, defers the effective date of material relative to revisions to Alascom Common Carrier Services Tariff F.C.C. No. 11, in compliance with the requirements of the Chief, Tariff Division which was originally filed under Transmittal No. 807, from March 17, 1996 to March 24, 1996, under authority of Special Permission No. 96-0285. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Supplement No. 1 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: January 16, 1996 Effective: January 17, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Under authority of DA 95-2479 of the Federal Communications Commission, this supplement advances the effective date of Alascom, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 11, Common Carrier Services, from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1995 and, by Order of the Commission, suspends the effective date of Alascom, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 to January 1, 1996. Alascom, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. 11, Common Carrier Services, was filed under Transmittal No. 790 on September 22, 1995, with a scheduled effective date of January 1, 1996, in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission's rulings in CC Docket 83-1376. Alascom, Inc. subsequently filed revisions to Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 under Transmittal No. 797 on December 14, 1995 scheduled to become effective January 1, 1996. The Commission in its Order Adopted December 14, 1995, Released December 14, 1995 in CC Docket No. 95-182, has required Alascom, Inc. to advance the effective of Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 to December 31, 1995, has suspended the effective date of Tariff F.C.C. No. 11, Transmittal Nos. 790 and 797, for one day, until January 1, 1996, has initiated an investigation of these Transmittals and has required Alascom, Inc. to keep accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rates that are the subject of its investigation. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 4th Revised Title Page 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Cancels 3rd Revised Title Page Issued: August 10, 2001 Effective: August 11, 2001 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES TITLE PAGE Applying to the provision of Common Carrier Services for use by interexchange carriers in furnishing their interstate service to or from Alaska. Common Carrier Services provide interstate interexchange transport and switching between points of interconnection with Common Carriers in Alaska and Alascom designated points in Alaska or the Continental United States (CONUS). Common Carrier Services are provided by means of wire, fiber optics, radio, satellite or any suitable technology or combination of technologies. D D ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 2 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Issued: September 22, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES CONCURRING CARRIERS No Concurring Carriers CONNECTING CARRIERS No Connecting Carriers OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS No Other Participating Carriers EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following symbols shall be used in this tariff for the purpose indicated below: C To signify changed regulation or rate structure. D To signify discontinued material. I To signify a increased rate. M To signify a move in the location of text. N To signify a new rate or regulation R To signify a reduced rate. S To signify reissued material. T To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. Z To signify a correction Other marginal codes are used to direct the tariff reader to a footnote for specific information. Codes used for this purpose are lower case letters of the alphabet, e.g., x, y and z. These codes may appear beside the page revision number in the page header or in the right margin opposite specific text. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 5th Revised Page 3 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 4th Revised Page 3 Issued: January 28, 1998 Effective: January 29, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 -- APPLICATION of TARIFF 6 SECTION 2 -- GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1. UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 8 2.1.1. Scope 8 2.1.2. Transfer or Assignment 8 2.1.3. Liability of the Company 9 2.1.4. Transmission Medium 10 2.1.5. Through Transmission of Signals 10 2.1.6. Provision of Customer Equipment 10 and Communications Systems 2.1.7. Availability 10 2.1.8. Minimum Quality of Service Standards 10 2.2. USE 11 2.2.1. General 11 2.2.2. Non-Voice Transmission 11 2.2.3 Abuse 11 2.2.4 Fraudulent Use 11 2.2.5. Unlawful Use 11 2.3. LIABILITY OF THE CUSTOMER 11 2.4. CUSTOMER DEPOSITS AND ADVANCE PAYMENTS 12 2.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS 12.1 2.5.1. Payment for Service 12.1 2.5.2. Notice to Company for Cancellation of Service 12.1 2.5.3. Discontinuance of Service 12.1 2.5.4. Minimum and Fractional Rates and Charges 12.1 2.5.5. Cancellation of Application for Service 12.2 2.5.6. Service Rearrangements 12.2 2.5.7. Allowance for Interruption 12.3 2.6. APPLICATION OF RATES 13 2.6.1. Charges Based on Duration of Use 13 2.6.2. Monthly Recurring Charges 13 2.6.3. Nonrecurring Charge 13 2.7. VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS 13.1 2.7.1. General 13.1 2.7.2. Interference, Impairment or Improper Use 13.1 2.7.3. Nonpayment of Charges 13.2 2.7.4. Fraud or Abuse 13.2 2.7.5. Minimum Protection Criteria 13.2 2.7.6. Connection to a Customer-provided Communications System or to Services Provided By Others 13.4 2.8. DEFINITIONS 14 SECTION 3 -- ORDERING OF COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 3.1. GENERAL 16 3.1.1. Ordering Conditions 16 Dx x Issued on not less than one day's notice under authority of Special Permission No.98-0027 ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 3rd Revised Page 4 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 4 Issued: November 15, 1996 Effective: January 1, 1997 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 4 -- PROVISION OF COMMON CARRIER SERVICE 4.1. GENERAL 18 4.1.1. Manner of Provision 18 4.1.2. Rate Elements 18 4.2. SUPERVISORY SIGNALING 19 4.3. COMMUNITY OF INTEREST/SHORT DURATION MASS CALLING REQUIREMENTS 19 4.4. DESIGN OF SWITCHED COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 19 4.5. RATE REGULATIONS 19 4.5.1.Description and Application of Rates 20 4.5.2.Measuring Common Carrier Minutes of Use 20 4.6. RATES 21 4.6.1. Transport and Switching 21 4.6.2. Channel Arrangements 21 4.6.3. Service Order Charge 21 4.6.4. Expedite Charge 21.1 4.7. BUSH AND NON-BUSH LOCATIONS 22 4.7.1. Non-Bush Locations 22 4.7.2. Bush Locations 22 4.8. ALASCOM Switching Center 22 C 4.8.1.Within Alaska 22 D 4.9. ALASCOM Point of Interconnection in Conus 22 N ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 5 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Issued: September 22, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 1 APPLICATION OF TARIFF ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 6 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Issued: September 22, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 1 -- APPLICATION OF TARIFF This Tariff contains regulations, rates and charges applicable to the provision of Common Carrier Services hereinafter referred to collectively as services provided by Alascom, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Company, to interexchange common carriers connected to this Company, hereafter referred to as the Customer or Customers. The provision of such services by the Company as set forth in this Tariff does not constitute a joint undertaking with the Customer for the furnishing of any service. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 7 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Issued: September 22, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 2 GENERAL REGULATIONS ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 8 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 8 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 ** All material on this page is reissued except as otherwise noted. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 2 -- GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1. UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.1. Scope A. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages under this tariff. B. The Company shall be responsible only for the installation, operation and maintenance of the services it provides. Dx Dx Tx C. Services are provided 24 hours daily, seven days per week. Dx Dx Tx D. Common Carrier Services is furnished for the transmission of voice grade communications but may also be used for data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or other similar communications, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service. Cx 2.1.2. Transfer or Assignment - Dx Dx The Customer may not assign, or transfer in any manner, the service or any rights associated with the service without the written consent of the Company. The Company will permit a Customer to transfer its existing service to another entity if the existing Customer has paid all charges owed to the Company for the tariffed service it provides to the Customer. Such a transfer will be treated as a disconnection of existing service and installation of new service. Certain material previously found on this page can now be found on Original Page 11.1. Material filed under Transmittal No. 790 is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 1996. x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 2nd Revised Page 9 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 1st Revised Page 9 Issued: February 1, 1996 Effective: March 17, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.1.3. Liability of the Company A. The Company's liability, if any, for its willful misconduct is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a Customer or by any others, for damages associated with the installation, provision, termination, maintenance, repair or restoration of Common Carrier Services, and subject to the provisions of B. through G. following, the Company's liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to the charge for one minute of use of the Transport and Switching rate elements contained in this tariff. This liability for damages shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the Customer under this tariff as a Credit Allowance for Interruptions (see Allowance for Interruption Section 2.5.7. following). C .. B. The Company is not liable for damages associated with service, channels, or equipment which it does not furnish. .. C C. The Company is not liable for damages to a premises resulting from the furnishing of Common Carrier Services, including the installation and removal of equipment and associated wiring, unless the damage is caused by the Company's negligence. D. The Company shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the Customer against all claims, losses, or damages arising from the use of the Common Carrier Services furnished pursuant to this tariff, involving: 1. Claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyright arising from any communication; 2. Claims for patent infringement arising from combining or using Common Carrier Services furnished by the Company in connection with facilities or equipment furnished by others; or 3. All other claims arising out of any act or omission of others relating to the Common Carrier Services provided pursuant to this tariff. E. The Company does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to Common Carrier Services when used in an explosive atmosphere. The Company shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the Customer against all claims, losses or damages by any person relating to the Common Carrier Services provided pursuant to this tariff when used in an explosive atmosphere. F. No license under patents (other than the limited license to use) is granted by the Company or shall be implied or arise by estoppel, with respect to any service offered under this tariff. The Company will defend the Customer against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the Customer of the Common Carrier Services offered under this tariff and will indemnify such Customer for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. G. The Company's failure to provide or maintain service under this tariff shall be excused by labor difficulties, governmental orders, civil commotions, acts of God, and other circumstances beyond the Company's reasonable control, subject to the Allowance for Interruptions provisions of this tariff. C C ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 3rd Revised Page 10 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 10 Issued: January 8, 1998 Effective: January 9, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.1.4. Transmission Medium - The Company selects and/or arranges for the channels and/or service components used to provide Common Carrier Services. Any suitable technology or combination of technologies may be used by the Company for the provision of Common Carrier Services. 2.1.5. Through Transmission of Signals - The Company is responsible for the provision of Common Carrier Services between the points specified in Section 4.1. following. 2.1.6. Provision of Customer Equipment and Communications Systems - Customer equipment may be used with Common Carrier Services. The Company does not provide customer equipment. The operating characteristics of the Customer equipment or Customer-provided communications system connected to Common Carrier Services must not interfere with, or impair, any of the services offered by this Company. In addition, they must not endanger the safety of Company employees or the public, damage or interfere with the proper functioning of Company equipment, or otherwise injure the public in its use of Common Carrier Services . 2.1.7. Availability - Service is furnished subject to the availability of the service components required. The Company will determine which of those components shall be used and make modifications to those components at its option. Sx 2.1.8. Minimum Quality of Service Standards - The Company shall provide Common Carrier Service through the use of its network and switching equipment at or above the quality of service standards set forth below. Adherence to these standards is measured on the basis of a 12 month rolling average. The Company assumes no liability for the service levels or standards of the Customer's network and switching equipment or for the network of any intermediate carrier or local exchange carrier. Sx A. Transport - Common Carrier Service shall be transported over the Company's network using trunking standards no less than the following: 1. Intertoll Trunking Availability 98.0% 2. Toll Connecting Trunking Availability 99.0% B. Switching - The Company shall perform the switching of Common Carrier Service using a minimum standard for effective switch attempts of no less than 99.0%. x Material filed under Transmittal No. 921 is suspended to January 2, 1998 under authority of Commission Order No. DA 97-2727. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 11 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 11 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 ** All material on this page is reissued except as otherwise noted. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.2. USE 2.2.1. General - Common Carrier Services may be used for any lawful purpose consistent with the transmission and switching parameters of the telecommunications network. Common Carrier Service is furnished for use by the Customer. Cx ... 2.2.2. Non-Voice Transmission - Common Carrier Services may be used for non-voice transmission. 2.2.3. Abuse - The abuse of Common Carrier Services is prohibited. The following activities constitute abuse: A. Using Common Carrier Services to make calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another, or B. Using Common Carrier Services in such a way that it interferes unreasonably with the use of the service by others. 2.2.4. Fraudulent Use - The fraudulent use of, or the intended or attempted fraudulent use of, Common Carrier Service is prohibited. The following activities constitute fraudulent use: A. Using Common Carrier Services to transmit a message, locate a person, or otherwise give or obtain information, without payment for the service, B. Using or attempting to use Common Carrier Services with the intent to avoid the payment, either in whole or in part, of any of the Company's tariffed charges by: 1. Rearranging, tampering with, or making connections not authorized by this tariff to any service components used to furnish Common Carrier Services , or 2. Using fraudulent means or devices, tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices, or electronic devices. C. 800 callers using Common Carrier Services with the intent of gaining access to a Common Carrier Services Customer's outbound calling capabilities on an unauthorized basis. D. Using fraudulent means or devices, tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices or electronic devices to defraud or mislead callers. ... Cx Certain material previously found on this page can now be found on Page 11.1. Material filed under Transmittal No. 790 is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 1996. x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 11.1 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 ** All material on this page is reissued except as otherwise noted. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.2.5. Unlawful Use - The service provided under this tariff shall not be used for an unlawful purpose. Tx ... Mx The services the Company offers shall not be used for any use for which the Customer has not obtained all required governmental approvals, authorization, licenses, consents and permits. ... Mx Mx ... 2.3. LIABILITY OF THE CUSTOMER The Customer will be liable for damages to the facilities of the Company caused by negligence or willful acts of officers, employees, agents or contractors of the Customer where such negligence or willful act is not the direct result of the Company's negligence. ... Mx Certain material on this page formerly appeared on Page 11. Certain material on this page formerly appeared on Original Page 8. Material filed under Transmittal No. 790 is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 1996. x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 12 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 12 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 ** All material on this page is reissued except as otherwise noted. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Dx ... ... Dx 2.4. CUSTOMER DEPOSITS AND ADVANCE PAYMENTS Tx 2.4.1. Deposits - The following deposit provisions are applicable to Common Carrier Services : Cx ... A. The Company will require only a Customer who has a proven history of late payments to the Company or whose financial responsibility is not a matter of record to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges. A deposit does not relieve the Customer of the responsibility for the prompt payment of bills on presentation. In lieu of a cash deposit, the Company will accept, as a deposit, Bank Letters of Credit and Surety Bonds. 1. Deposit Amount - The deposit for Common Carrier Services will not exceed an amount equal to three times the estimated average monthly usage charges. 2. Interest on a Cash Deposit - Interest will be paid to a Customer for the period that a cash deposit is held by the Company. The interest rate used will be simple interest at the rate of six percent annually. 3. Return of a Deposit - Any deposit collected will be credited to a Customer's account, when the Customer has established credit, or when the Customer has established a prompt payment record with the Company for one year. When the service for which the deposit has been required is discontinued, the deposit is applied to the final bill and any credit balance is refunded to the Customer with applicable interest accrued. ... Cx Material filed under Transmittal No. 790 is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 1996. x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 12.1 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: February 1, 1996 Effective: March 17, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES M .. 2.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS 2.5.1. Payment for Service - The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished by the Company. Bills are due and payable upon receipt. Common Carrier Services may be denied for nonpayment of a bill. The Company may deny and/or restrict Common Carrier Services for nonpayment of charges due. A written notice will be sent to the Customer at least five days in advance of the restriction and/or denial of Common Carrier Services. Upon payment of charges the restriction and/or denial of Common Carrier Services will be removed. .. M 2.5.2. Notice to Company for Termination of Service - Customers, desiring to terminate service shall provide Company thirty (30) days written notice of desire to terminate service. T M M N .. 2.5.3. Discontinuance of Service - When a Customer requests discontinuance of Common Carrier Service, recurring charges will apply for a period of ten business days after notification or until the requested discontinuation date, whichever is longer. The charges will continue to apply whether or not the Customer continues to use the service. 2.5.4. Minimum and Fractional Rates and Charges - Except as noted following, the minimum period for which service is furnished is one month. When rates are on a monthly basis, the minimum charge is for one month. When service does not begin on the first day of a monthly billing period, or end on the last day of a monthly billing period, the charge for the fractional part of the monthly billing period during which service is furnished will be a proportionate part of the monthly charge based on the ratio of the number of days in such beginning or concluding fractional monthly billing period to 30 days. For example, the pro rata billing for a partial monthly billing period from January 22 through January 31 is 10 thirtieths or one-third of the monthly charge. For this purpose every monthly billing period is considered to have 30 days. When rates involve a fraction of a cent, the fraction is carried throughout the computation of the charge. When the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, a fraction of one-half cent or more is treated as one cent and a fraction of less than one-half cent is disregarded. .. N Certain material on this page formerly appeared on Page 13. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 12.2 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 12.2 Issued: October 2, 1998 Effective: January 1, 1999 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS (continued) 2.5.5. Cancellation of Application for Service - When an application for service is cancelled by the customer prior to the start of installation of facilities, no charge applies. When installation of facilities has been started prior to the cancellation, the charge specified in (a) or (b) following, whichever is lower, applies. (a) A charge equal to the estimated costs incurred in such installation, less estimated net salvage, such estimated costs incurred to include the cost of unsalvaged equipment and materials specifically provided or used plus the cost of installing, including engineering, supply expense, labor and supervision, and any other disbursements resulting from the installation and removal work. (b) The charge for the minimum period of service, including the installation charge. C Installation of channel facilities or equipment is considered to have started when the Company incurs any expense in connection therewith or in preparation therefore which would not otherwise have been incurred, provided the Customer has advised the Company to proceed with the installation. 2.5.6. Service Rearrangements - All changes to existing services will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an installation of a new service. The nonrecurring charges described in Section 4.6 following will apply for this work activity. Administrative changes will be made without charge(s) to the Customer. Administrative changes are as follows: - - Change of Customer name, - Change of Customer premises address, C - - Change in billing data (name, address, or contact name or telephone number), - - Change of agency authorization, - - Change of Customer circuit identification, - - Change of billing account number, - - Change of Customer test line number, - - Change of Customer contact name or telephone number, - - Change of implementation contact name or telephone number, or - - Change of design contact name or telephone number, - - Change of jurisdiction. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 12.3 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: February 1, 1996 Effective: March 17, 1996 ** All material on this page is new. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS (continued) 2.5.7. Allowance for Interruption - When service is interrupted, credit allowance is made as set forth in (a), (b) and (c) below and in (2) and (3) following except as otherwise provided in 6.2.4(J)(2)(b), for the portion of the service which is affected. For the purpose of determining the amount of allowance, every month is considered to have 30 days. A credit allowance will be given when service is interrupted, except as specified in (i) following. An interruption period begins when the Customer reports the interruption and releases the service for testing and repair. An interruption period ends when the service is operative. If the Customer reports service to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but not interrupted. When Common Carrier Service is interrupted, the Customer will receive a credit allowance for that portion of the service provided by the Company which is affected. (i) Credit allowance does not apply for: (A) Interruptions caused by the negligence of the Customer, or others authorized by the Customer to use the customer's service (B) Interruptions of service because of the failure of equipment or systems not provided by the Company. (C) Periods when the Customer elects not to release the service for testing and/or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. (D) Interruptions during any period when the Customer or User has released the Common Carrier Service for maintenance or rearrangement purposes, or for the implementation of a Customer order, (E) Interruptions which continue because of the Customer's failure to authorize replacement of any element of special construction. The period for which credit is not allowed, begins on the seventh day after the Customer receives the Company's written notification of the need for such replacement. It ends on the day after receipt of the Customer's written authorization for such replacement, (F) Interruptions caused by the failure of other services provided by this Company which are connected by the Customer or authorized user, (ii) Use of Another Means of Communication - If the Customer elects to use another means of communications (e.g., LDMTS or WATS) during the period that a service is interrupted, it must pay the tariffed rate for the alternative service used. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 12.4 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: February 1, 1996 Effective: March 17, 1996 ** All material on this page is new. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.5.7. Allowance for Interruption (continued) Calculation of Credit Allowances - Credit allowances for interruptions to Common Carrier Service are determined as set forth in (iv)(A) following. For calculating credit allowances on monthly service, every month is considered to have 30 days. (A) Calculate the Average Value for one full day by dividing the monthly rate by 30 days. (B) Multiply the Average Value for one day by the interruption period to be credited (see Calculation Table) in order to determine the credit. Example: A one hour interruption occurs. Total monthly charge = $22,700 Average Value for one full day = $22,700 = $756.67 ------- 30 Amount credited = $756.67 x 1/10 = $75.67 (C) Calculation Table - The following table is used for calculating credit allowances for interruptions to 1.544 Mbps Private Line Service provided on a monthly basis. (i) Interruptions of 24 Hours or Less Interruption Period Length of Interruption to be Credited ---------------------- ------------------- Less than 30 minutes None 30 minutes up to, but not including 3 hours 1/10 day 3 hours up to, but not including 6 hours 1/5 day 6 hours up to, but not including 9 hours 2/5 day 9 hours up to, but not including 12 hours 3/5 day 12 hours up to, but not including 15 hours 4/5 day 15 hours up to 24 hours inclusive One Day Two or more interruptions of 30 minutes or more, during any period up to but not including 3 hours, shall be considered as one interruption. (ii) Interruptions over 24 Hours Interruptions over 24 hours will be credited 1/5 day for each 3 hour period or fraction thereof. No more than one full day's credit will be allowed for any period of 24 hours. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 3rd Revised Page 13 210 East Bluff Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 13 Issued: November 15, 1996 Effective: January 1, 1997 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.6. APPLICATION OF RATES The regulations set forth in this section govern the application of rates for services contained in Section 4 of this tariff. Common Carrier Services contain charges based on duration of use, monthly recurring and nonrecurring charges. T 2.6.1. Charges Based on Duration of Use - Customer traffic will be measured by the Company at the Company switching center. Originating and terminating calls will be measured by the Company to determine the basis for computing chargeable minutes, as set forth in Section 4. following. 2.6.2. Monthly Recurring Charge - Monthly Recurring Charges apply each month whether or not the Customer incurs any charges based on duration of use. When the billing date and the date that Common Carrier Services is started, changed or discontinued do not coincide, charges which are based upon monthly rates will be adjusted to reflect the fractional part of the month service is provided, as specified in 2.5.4. preceding. 2.6.3. Nonrecurring Charges - Nonrecurring charges apply to ordering, installation and rearrangement of Common Carrier Services. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 13.1 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 Nx 2.7. VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS Nx ... 2.7.1. General - The Company may take immediate action to protect its services or interests when certain regulations contained in this tariff are violated. The specific regulations involved and the action(s) which will be taken by this Company are as specified in 2.7.2, 2.7.3 and 2.7.4 following. 2.7.2. Interference, Impairment or Improper Use - The Company may temporarily restrict service immediately when a Customer violation results in any of the following: - subjects Company or non-Company personnel to hazardous conditions as specified in Section 2.1.6.(Provision of Customer Equipment and Systems) preceding, - circumvents the Company's ability to charge for its services as specified in Section 2.2.4. (Fraudulent Use) preceding, or - results in an immediate harm to the Common Carrier Services network or other Company services as specified in Section 2.7.5 (Minimum Protection Criteria). In such cases, the Company will make a reasonable effort to give the Customer prior notice before restricting service. If a Customer fails to comply with Section 2.2. (Use), 2.1.6.(Provision of Customer Equipment and Systems), 2.7.6.A (Answer Supervision), 2.7.6.B. (Customer-provided Communications System Failures), and 2.7.5 (Minimum Protection Criteria) preceding the Company may, on ten days written notice by certified U.S. Mail to the Customer deny requests for additional service and/or restrict service to the non-complying Customer. If the Company does not deny or restrict the service involved on the date of the ten days notice, and the Customer non-compliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Company's right to deny or restrict the service without further notice. When a violation results in a denial for additional service and/or restriction of service, the denial and/or restriction will be removed when the Customer is in compliance with the regulation and so advises the Company. The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits, facilities or equipment provided by other than the Company and associated with the services under this tariff shall not interfere with or impair service over any facilities of the Company, its affiliated companies, or its connecting and concurring carriers involved in its services, cause damage to their plant, impair the privacy of any communications carried over their facilities or create hazards to the employees of any of them or the public. ... Nx x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 13.2 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Nx 2.7. VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS (continued) Nx ... 2.7.3. Nonpayment of Charges - The Company may deny and/or restrict Common Carrier Services for nonpayment of charges due as specified in Section 2.5.1. (Payment for Service) preceding. A written notice will be sent to the Customer at least five days in advance of the restriction and/or denial of Common Carrier Services. Upon payment of charges the restriction and/or denial of Common Carrier Services will be removed. 2.7.4. Fraud or Abuse - In any instance in which Alascom Inc. determines that a Customer is operating an Alascom Inc. service in violation of Section 2.2.4. of this Tariff, Alascom Inc. may, immediately and upon written notice to the Customer, and without incurring any liability except for willful misconduct, restrict, suspend or discontinue providing the service. Alascom Inc. may upon direction of the F.C.C., other government agencies, law enforcement officials or the courts, immediately and upon written notice to the Customer, and without incurring any liability except for willful misconduct, restrict, suspend or discontinue providing service which is being operated in violation of Section 2.2.4. of this Tariff. 2.7.5. Minimum Protection Criteria A. General - Minimum Protection Criteria have been specified so that Company personnel, equipment, and services will be protected from the harmful effects of signal power overload, hazardous voltages and longitudinal imbalance. Minimum Protection Criteria apply to the direct electrical and Customer-provided communications systems to Common Carrier Services. B. Connections - Customer-provided communications systems which are connected to Common Carrier Services on a direct electrical basis must comply with the following: 1. To protect other Company services, it is necessary that the signal which is applied meets the following limits: (a) Metallic Voltage I. 4 kHz to 270 kHz Metallic Center Frequency (f) Maximum Voltage in Terminating of 8 kHz Band All 8 kHz Bands Impedance - -------------------- ----------------------- ----------- 8 kHz to 12 kHz - (6.4+12.6 log f) dBV* 300 ohms 12 kHz to 90 kHz (23 - 40 log f) dBV 135 ohms 90 kHz to 266 kHz - 55 dBV 135 ohms *dBV = 20 log10 voltage in volts II. The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the metallic voltage components in the frequency range of 270 kHz to 6 MHz shall, averaged over 2 microseconds, not exceed -15 dBV. This limitation applies with a metallic termination having an impedance of 135 ohms. ... Nx x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 13.3 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Nx 2.7.5.B. Connections (continued) Nx ... (b) Longitudinal Voltage I. 4 kHz to 270 kHz Longitudinal Center Frequency (f) Maximum Voltage in Terminating of 8 kHz Band All 8 kHz Bands Impedance - -------------------- -------------------- ----------- 8 kHz to 12 kHz -(18.4+20 log f) dBV* 500 ohms 12 kHz to 42 kHz (3 - 40 log f) dBV 90 ohms 42 kHz to 266 kHz - 62 dBV 90 ohms *dBV = 20 log10 voltage in volts II. The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the longitudinal voltage components in the frequency range of 270 kHz to 6 MHz shall, averaged over 2 microseconds, not exceed -30 dBV. This limitation applies with a longitudinal termination having an impedance of 90 ohms. 2. To prevent the interruption or disconnection of a Common Carrier Services call, it is necessary that the signal power applied be limited. Specifically, the signal shall at no time have energy concentrated solely in the 2450 to 2750 Hz band. If there is signal power in the 2450 to 2750 Hz band, it must not exceed the power present at the same time in the 800 to 2450 Hz band. C. Direct Electrical Connections - In addition to the regulations in B. preceding, Customer-provided communications systems which are connected to Common Carrier Services on a direct electrical basis must comply with the following: To prevent excessive noise and crosstalk, it is necessary that the power of the signal presented at the serving office not exceed 12dB below one milliwatt when measured over any three second interval. To insure that this limit is not exceeded, the power of the signal which may be applied by the Customer-provided communications system in no case shall exceed one milliwatt. ... Nx x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 13.4 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Nx ... 2.7.6. Connection to a Customer-provided Communications System or to Service(s) Provided by Others - Any system or service connected to a Common Carrier Services offering must be operated and maintained so it will work satisfactorily with the Common Carrier Services . Connections to Common Carrier Services will be made in accordance with the following: A. Answer Supervision - Answer supervision must be provided when Common Carrier Services is connected to switching equipment or a Customer-provided communications system which is not subject to Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, 47 C.F.R. Part 68. In such cases, the equipment or system must provide answer supervision so that the measure of chargeable time begins upon the delivery of the Common Carrier Services call to the switching equipment or to the equipment connected to the communications system and ends upon termination of the call by the calling party. B. Customer-provided Communications System Failures - When a Customer- provided communications system fails and the connection to Common Carrier Services is not through switching equipment, the Customer-provided communications system must be arranged to promptly return the Common Carrier Services to an idle (on-hook) state. In addition, the Customer must notify the Company when the Customer-provided communications system fails. C. Use of Satellite Facilities - If a Customer-provided communications system uses satellite facilities (directly or indirectly), and is connected to Common Carrier Services, there may be two or more satellite links involved in the combined connection. In such cases, the Company will not be responsible for any deterioration in transmission. It will continue to furnish Common Carrier Services using the service components that it considers to be appropriate. ... Nx x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 6th Revised Page 14 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 5th Revised Page 14 Issued: January 28, 1998 Effective: January 29, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.8. DEFINITIONS Certain terms used generally throughout this tariff are described below. Sx Carrier Identification Code (CIC): Three or four-digit numbers used by end-user customers to reach the services of interexchange carriers through equal access arrangements. The primary carrier of choice is reached by dialing "1" plus the area code and called party number. Secondary IX carriers can still be reached by dialing either 10XXX or 101XXXX where XXX or XXXX is the CIC assigned to the carrier desired. CIC numbers are used to dial around the carrier presubscribed to the calling telephone (e.g. 10XXX or 101XXXX or 950XXXX where XXX or XXXX is the CIC). Sx ... ... Sx CONUS: Continental United States. Common Carrier Services Order (CCSO): The written request for Common Carrier Services executed by the Customer and the Company in the format devised and provided by the Company. The signing of a CCSO by the Customer and processing of the CCSO by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff. The CCSO shall not contain terms that are inconsistent with the terms of this Tariff, and shall not impose any obligations on the Customer other than as provided in this Tariff. Should a Customer use the Company's Common Carrier Services without an executed CCSO, the Company will then request the Customer to submit a CCSO. Company or Alascom, Inc.: Alascom, Inc., the issuer of this tariff. Customer: The Interexchange Carrier which orders service and is responsible for the payment of charges and compliance with the Company's General Regulations. Sx Sx Dedicated Interface A dedicated physical connection between the customer and the company which performs as an entrance and/or exit for CCS traffic. End User: A person or entity that subscribes to an interexchange carrier and that has been assigned one or more telephone number(s) within a central office code (NPA-NXX) directly assigned to the LSO. Fiber Optic: A thin filament of glass with a protective outer coating through which a light beam carrying communications signals may be transmitted by means of multiple internal reflections to a receiver, which translates the message. Dy ... Dy Interstate Interexchange Carrier (IC) or Interexchange Common Carrier: The terms "Interstate Interexchange Carrier" (IC) or "Interexchange Common Carrier" denotes any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in interstate or foreign communication by wire or radio, between two or more exchanges. x Material filed under Transmittal No. 921 was effective January 2, 1998 under authority of Commission Order No. DA 97-2727. y Issued on not less than one day's notice under authority of Special Permission No.98-0027 ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 2nd Revised Page 14.1 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 1st Revised Page 14.1 Issued: January 8, 1998 Effective: January 9, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 2.8. DEFINITIONS (continued) Sx .. LEC Serving Office (LSO): The LSO is the switching center of the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) which is designated as the connection point to interexchange carrier(s). Local Exchange Carrier (LEC): A telephone company whose primary function is the provision of local telephone service within specified exchange areas. .. Sx Network: Transmission and switching facilities used to connect between two or more points. Switching Center: The location that performs the functions of establishing and releasing connections on a per call basis between two or more communications systems. Voice Grade: A transmission path with a range of approximately 300 to 3,000 hertz available for the transmission of speech, low and medium speed data, facsimile, signaling, metering or other similar communications. x Material filed under Transmittal No. 921 is suspended to January 2, 1998 under authority of Commission Order No. DA 97-2727. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 15 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Issued: September 22, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 3 ORDERING OF COMMON CARRIER SERVICES ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 7th Revised Page 16 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 6th Revised Page 16 Issued: January 29, 1998 Effective: February 1, 1998 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 3 -- ORDERING OF COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 3.1. GENERAL This section sets forth the regulations for Ordering Common Carrier Services. Orders for Common Carrier Services hereinafter referred to as "CCSOs" are required to obtain Common Carrier Services or to make changes to existing orders for Common Carrier Services. SwZ SwZ 3.1.1. Ordering Conditions - When placing an order for Common Carrier Services, the Customer shall provide, at a minimum, to the Company the following order information; - Customer name and premises address(es). - Billing name and address (when different from Customer name and address). Sz ... - Contact name(s), address(es), and telephone numbers (for both Alaska end and the CONUS end), for the following: provisioning engineer, facility engineer, IXC test and turnup, order negotiation, order confirmation, interactive design, installation, billing, and overall project management. ... Sz - Trunk group arrangements for Common Carrier Services including the facility assignment and channel assignment for each trunk. Sx - Identity of the provider of each trunk group, i.e., Customer, Alascom, interconnecting carrier, other. - The Customer locations involved, including the applicable switching center(s). Sz ... - If applicable, the switch type, switch CLLI, switch address, and V&H coordinates for the customer's switches in Alaska and in CONUS. - For SS7 service, the following: Hub Provider company name, address, voice and fax phone numbers, contact name(s) if applicable, switch point codes, the hub STP gateway CLLI, STP point code, generic, and STP type for the control STP and the mate. ... Sz - The Alascom switching center. (See Section 4.8) - An estimate of Common Carrier Services minutes of use. Sz - Carrier Identification Code (CIC), if applicable. Sz Sy ... ... Sy Z .. .. Z - Southbound, Northbound, or both. w Reissued material reflecting withdrawal of material filed under transmittal No. 921, effective January 29, 1998. This footnote and coding was inadvertently omitted from the 6th revised page 16. x Reissued material effective January 29, 1998 reinstating the then currently effective material and reissued material reflecting newly filed revisions to be effective on March 4, 1998. The March 4, 1998 scheduled effective date was inadvertently omitted from the 6th Revised Page 16. y Reissued material is effective on January 29, 1998 under authority of Special Permission No. 98-0027. z Reissued material is to be effective on March 4, 1998 on not less than thirty five days' notice under authority of Special Permission No. 98-0027. The March 4, 1998 scheduled effective date was inadvertently omitted from the 6th Revised page 16. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs Original Page 17 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 Issued: September 22, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 4 PROVISION OF COMMON CARRIER SERVICES ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 5th Revised Page 18 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 4th Revised Page 18 Issued: October 2, 1998 Effective: January 1, 1999 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SECTION 4 -- PROVISION OF COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 4.1. GENERAL Common Carrier Services provide a two-point voice grade communications path - between an LSO serving a Bush or Non-Bush location and a Company's switching center in Alaska to be delivered to the Customer's Dedicated Interface in Alaska; - between an LSO serving a Bush or Non-Bush location and the Company's point of interconnection in CONUS; - between a Company's point of interconnection in CONUS and a Company's switching center in Alaska. Bush and Non-Bush locations are specified in Section 4.7. Alascom switching center location (s) are specified in Section 4.8. Rates for Common Carrier Services are set forth in 4.6 following. The application of rates for Common Carrier Services are described in 4.5.1 following. The Customer is limited to a single Dedicated Interface in Alaska and a single Dedicated Interface in CONUS. 4.1.1. Manner of Provision The Customer may interconnect with Common Carrier Services by using services purchased through Alascom's Tariff F.C.C. No. 14 and/or 15; provided by the Customer; or provided by others. C 4.1.2. Rate Elements - Transport and switching are provided at the rates set forth in 4.6 following. The application of these rates with respect to the measurement of Common Carrier Services minutes of use is set forth in 4.5.2. following. There are three rate elements which apply to Common Carrier Services: Intra-Alaska Transport Rate Element Switching Rate Element Alaska/CONUS Transport Rate Element A. Intra-Alaska Transport - This rate element provides for transmission between an LSO serving a Bush or Non-Bush location and a Company's switching center in Alaska. B. Switching - This rate element provides for routing of calls over the Company's network to terminating points identified by the Customer. C. Alaska/CONUS Transport - This rate element provides for transmission between the Company's point of interconnection in CONUS and a Company's switching center in Alaska. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 19 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 19 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 ** All material on this page is reissued except as otherwise noted. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Dx ... ... Dx Tx 4.2. SUPERVISORY SIGNALING The Customer is responsible to provide to the Company the necessary supervisory signaling to ensure proper measurement of chargeable time as specified in 4.5.2 following. Tx Tx 4.3. COMMUNITY OF INTEREST/SHORT DURATION MASS CALLING REQUIREMENTS When a Customer offers service for which a substantial call volume is expected during a short period of time (e.g., 900 service media stimulated events), or to a community(ies) of interest, the Customer must notify the Company at least 48 hours in advance of each peak period. Notification should include the nature, time, duration, and frequency of the event, an estimated call volume, and the telephone number(s) to be used. Tx 4.4. DESIGN OF SWITCHED COMMON CARRIER SERVICES When a Customer orders Common Carrier Services, it is the Customer's responsibility to assure that sufficient interconnection capacity has been ordered to handle its traffic. Tx 4.5. RATE REGULATIONS This section contains the specific regulations governing the rates that apply for Common Carrier Services. Material filed under Transmittal No. 790 is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 1996. x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 20 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 20 Issued: December 14, 1995 Effective: January 1, 1996 ** All material on this page is reissued except as otherwise noted. ** COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Tx 4.5.1. Description and Application of Rates - Transport and switching are not available for purchase separately. One or more transport rate elements and the switching rate element apply to all minutes of use. Usage rates apply only when a specific rate element is used. Usage is accumulated over a monthly period. The usage rates specified in 4.6 following are applied to the total measured minutes of use for the billing period. Tx A. Application of Rates 1. Transport Rates - These rates are usage sensitive. These rates are assessed on all Common Carrier Services minutes that are transported over designated portion(s) of the Company's network. 2. Switching Rate - This rate is usage sensitive. The rate is assessed on all Common Carrier Services minutes that are switched by the Company's switching center. Tx 4.5.2. Measuring Common Carrier Minutes of Use - Customer traffic will be measured by the Company at the Company's switching center. Originating and terminating calls will be measured by the Company to determine the basis for computing chargeable minutes of use. In the event Customer message detail is not available because the Company lost or damaged tapes or experienced recording system outages, the Company will estimate the volume of lost Customer minutes of use based on previously known values for the most recent two billing months. If the Customer has less than two billing months of usage or no history of usage, the Customer must provide an estimate of usage incurred. Cx ... Cx Common Carrier minutes of use are recorded in increments of tenths of seconds. Common Carrier minutes of use are accumulated by Customer on a daily basis and rounded up to the nearest full minute. Usage Measurement - Common Carrier Services minutes of use recording begins when the Company's switching center receives answer supervision from the LSO or the Customer indicating the called party's telephone has been answered. Common Carrier Services minutes of use recording ends when the Company's switching center receives disconnect supervision from the LSO or the Customer indicating call termination from either the calling or called party, whichever is first. Material filed under Transmittal No. 790 is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 1996. x Issued to become effective January 1, 1996 under authority of Special Permission No. 95-1696. ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 14th Revised Page 21 210 East Bluff Dr., Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 13th Revised Page 21 Issued: November 25, 2003 Effective: January 1, 2004 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 4.6. RATES - 4.6.1. Transport and Switching - $/Minute of Use - ------------------------------------ Rate Element Bush Non-Bush ------------ ----- -------- Intra-Alaska Transport $0.1622 R $0.0459 R (Between Alaska LEC offices and Alascom Switching Center location(s) in Alaska) Switching $0.0226 R $0.0104 R Alaska/CONUS Transport $0.0276 I $0.0276 I (Between Anchorage and the Continental United States) C 4.6.2. Channel Arrangements DS1 Channel Arrangements DS1 Termination equipment installed at Alascom points of interconnection for purposes of deriving Customer channels. Monthly Nonrecurring Recurring USOC Charge Charge ---- ------------ --------- Channel Bank Arrangement or DACS Port Arrangement CHBA $ .00 $225.00 Each 4-wire VF E&M Channel 4VFEMC $ 75.00 $ 5.00 Each 56 Kbps Data Channel 56KDC $125.00 $ 40.00 DACS/Channel Bank DS-1 Port Connection DACS1 $ .00 $ 25.00 4.6.3. Service Order Charge - The Service Order Charge covers receiving, recording and processing Customer information relating to an order for an installation, move, signal power adjustments or service rearrangements. One Service Order Charge applies for each Customer-requested order for all work applicable to Common Carrier Services ordered at the same time to be performed on the same date at the same location. Separate Service Order Charges apply to unrelated Orders. Non-Recurring Charge ------------- Service Order Charge - per order $95.00 ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 1st Revised Page 21.1 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels Original Page 21.1 Issued: November 15, 1996 Effective: January 1, 1997 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 4.6. RATES (continued) C 4.6.4. Expedite Charge - Alascom will process Service Orders for installations, moves, signal power adjustments and service rearrangements on a normal time interval basis. A normal time interval denotes Alascom action to implement the Customer requested Service Order on not less than 60 business days notice from the day the Service Order is received by Alascom. At the Customer's request, Alascom will attempt to advance a Service Order due date to a new negotiated due date of less than 25 business days. If the new due date is met, the following nonrecurring charge applies. Non-Recurring USOC Charge ---- ------------- Expedite Charge EXP per Service Order $275.00 ALASCOM, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 11 Manager, Tariffs 2nd Revised Page 22 210 East Bluff Road, Anchorage, AK 99501 Cancels 1st Revised Page 22 Issued: November 15, 1996 Effective: January 1, 1997 COMMON CARRIER SERVICES 4.7. BUSH AND NON-BUSH LOCATIONS 4.7.1. Non-Bush Locations Adak Fairbanks Ninilchik Anchorage Fort Richardson North Pole Big Lake Fort Wainwright Palmer Bird Creek Girdwood Seldovia Chugiak Homer Seward Cordova Hope Sitka Deadhorse Juneau Soldotna Douglas Kenai Unalaska Eagle River Ketchikan Valdez Eielson AFB Kodiak Wasilla Elmendorf AFB N. Kenai Willow 4.7.2. Bush Locations - All locations within Alaska not specified as a Non-Bush location above are designated as Bush locations. C 4.8. Alascom Switching Center 4.8.1. Within Alaska D D Anchorage 4.9. Alascom Point of Interconnection in Conus Portland, Oregon C